We offer a “one-stop” facility for
the best quality meat products at the
best possible prices, delivered promptly

Welcome to C&C Packing

First and foremost, I would like to express my deep gratitude to you, our valued customers, who have chosen to trust in our exceptionally high-quality products. At C&C Packing LP, our mission is to provide superior quality proteins that chefs recommend to food lovers, that family members prefer for their loved ones, that buyers choose for their customers, and that our employees take pride in, for nearly 50 years.

We continually strive to offer you the best meat products, carefully selected for their superior quality. Every piece we offer is the result of uncompromising craftsmanship and standards.

That is why we make it a point of honor to closely collaborate with local and international breeders and suppliers who share our commitment to sustainable and environmentally friendly practices. We take pride in supporting our communities and participating in a responsible food chain.

I want to assure you that our company will continue to meet the standards of excellence. We are constantly searching for even more flavorful, tender, and juicy products. We carefully listen to your feedback and suggestions to meet your expectations and surpass your requirements.

In conclusion, I must emphasize the importance of our employees, as without them, C&C would not be what it is today. We are proud to rely on an efficient, skilled, and dedicated multidisciplinary team.

Thank you all for your trust and continued support.

Contact Us

We're not around right now. But you can send us an email and we'll get back to you, asap.